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How to remove blocks to the career you want

Engineer stands in front of construction site

Solutions to the problems that stop you changing your career.

How many times have you thought about changing your career but given up because it seemed too hard?

This year it’s time to remove the blocks and problems stopping you from achieving your career goals.

Check out the blocks you've told us about, and our possible solutions.

I don't know where to start.

There's no one around to help me.


I don't know what I need to do to get into that career.


I've been out of paid work for a long time.


I have a family and bills, I can't retrain during the day – I need to work.

There's nowhere to study near where I live.

I have no one to look after my kids when I study.

I don't have transport to get to courses.


I was terrible at study when I was at school.

I left school without any qualifications.


I don't have all the stuff listed in the job advert.

Apply for the job if:

  • You have most of the skills, but not the exact experience.
  • They list a skill or experience as ‘desirable’ and not ‘essential’.
  • You have skills and experience very similar to what’s listed in the job description. (For example, they want a person with customer service experience in a shop environment, but you have customer service experience working in a call centre).

Updated 10 Dec 2024