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Holiday contact hours: You won't be able to call us from 5pm Friday 20th December until 9:30am Wednesday 8 January. You can still email during this time and we'll reply as soon as we can. Ngā mihi o te wā!


Look beyond the top 10 jobs

People standing on scaffolding in hard hats and yellow jackets look at a plan

Discover more than the top 10 jobs on

Spotlight on Gottfredson’s career theory

Teacher talking to female pupils studying robotics in science lesson

Use Gottfredson’s theory to help people broaden their career options.

Spotlight on the chaos theory of careers

Infographic showing what you can and can't control in your career.

Help clients balance planning and action with accepting uncertainty and change.

Improve the world around you with a construction career

A solar panel installer sits on the roof looking at a wind turbine.

Want to make a difference in the world? Choose a construction career.

5 jobs created by climate change

A person dressed in warm gear sits on the front of the boat looking at snow covered hills and icebergs.

Find out about jobs that help us understand and deal with climate change.

Spotlight on Parsons' trait and factor theory

Career consultant talking to a client

Use Parsons’ trait and factor theory to guide clients towards a fulfilling career.

Why employers need to engage with school learners

In a workshop. An employer dressed in overalls shows a high school learner in a hard hat a piece of equipment.

Talk to schools to find future workers before you get short staffed.

Spotlight on Bandura’s social learning theory

Apprentice and mechanic looking under a car's bonnet

Understand Bandura’s social learning theory and help your clients find positive role models and gain confidence. 

Spotlight on Super’s self-concept theory

Illustration showing people of different ages standing next to each other from youngest to oldest

Super’s theory of self-concept can help your clients at different stages of their career development. 

Career lesson plan: School subjects and careers

School learner sitting at desk with laptop

A lesson plan to encourage Year 9-10 learners to think about careers when choosing NCEA subjects.