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Terms and conditions - terms of use and copyright

Details of our terms of use, including our legal disclaimer and copyright policies.

Agreement to terms

Welcome to this website. When we use the terms you and your, we are referring to any organisation or person who accesses the website. By accessing and using this site, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms of use and our privacy statement.


We may change our terms of use and copyright and our privacy statement at any time. If we consider that these changes are significant, we will provide you with notice of such changes, whether on this site or by email. You accept that notice of a change on this site is sufficient notice to you. Your continued use of the site after such changes means you consent to those changes.

Accuracy of your information

You must provide true and current information in your dealings with us, including setting up an account. We recommend using a personal email address for your account to ensure continued access.

Account security - your responsibilities

If you register for an account to gain access to certain parts of the site, we will provide you with a username and password. You are responsible for:

  • keeping your username and password confidential;
  • protecting and securing your username and password from unauthorised access and use; and
  • protecting your computing environment from unauthorised access, viruses and malicious software.

Your username and password are personal to you. You are not permitted to share them with others.

We may suspend or disable your username and password if we consider it necessary for security reasons or if you breach these terms.


Your content

If you add content to this site, you must have all the rights you need to add that content and to ensure that our use of that content in accordance with these terms will not:

  • breach any laws or legally binding codes;
  • infringe any person's intellectual property rights or other legal rights or protected interests; or
  • give rise to any legal cause of action against us or you or any third party.

If we suspect that you have breached these requirements, we may remove, suspend, amend or delete the relevant content.

We do not claim ownership of your content but you grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual and irrevocable licence to store, copy, reformat, publish and otherwise use that content for the purposes of operating this site and exercising our rights under these terms.

Our content and your use of it

Except for your content, and unless otherwise indicated, we or our licensors are the owners of the intellectual property rights in this site and the content on this site. You may not use our intellectual property rights and content unless authorised to do so under these terms or by us in writing.

Subject to our qualifications below, you may reproduce our material in any format or media solely for your personal use, free of charge, without obtaining our specific permission to do so, as long as you acknowledge the source and copyright status of our material.

However, you must not:

  • sell or distribute any material on a commercial basis
  • alter any material or use it in a misleading manner
  • alter, use or distribute any third party copyright material in any manner that would infringe copyright in that material.

In addition, the licence above does not apply to the website’s design elements or to any government or other organisation’s emblems or logos. These elements, emblems and logos may not be reproduced without our written consent.

Third party content

Where copyright material is owned by a third party, that will be indicated. You may not do anything with material owned by a third party that would breach their intellectual property rights unless you have their permission. We cannot grant that permission.

Warranty for material contributed by you

You warrant that if you contribute third party copyright content to the website, you have the right to use that content and to grant us the licence provided under the heading ‘Your content’.


You agree to indemnify us for any loss or costs we incur due to your breaching these terms of use. This clause does not apply to State Services agencies and their staff.

Publishing content

The content on this website is continually updated to ensure our information and advice reflects current careers and employment practices and trends. For this reason, we recommend you link to our website to ensure you are getting the most up-to-date version of our content.

We make a lot of our job and industry information available for use via a free API (application program interface).

If you wish to publish or issue material from our publications or website for commercial use, you must first get written permission from Tertiary Education Commission. Please use our contact page to get in touch.

APIs and web services

To use the API referred to above, you will need an API key. These terms apply to your use of the API and, if we specify additional terms that apply, you agree to comply with them.

Contributors’ views are their own

Views or opinions expressed on the website are not necessarily endorsed by Tertiary Education Commission and their publication on the website shall not be taken as an endorsement of any kind.

Standards of Integrity and Conduct

Government employees who participate on the site are reminded of their obligations under the Standards of Integrity and Conduct.


This website is designed to help you make better informed work, training and career decisions. However, we recommend you also refer to other sources of information such as relevant training providers, or professional or trade organisations before making any decisions about your career.

Although we make every effort to ensure all material on our website is reliable and accurate at the time of publishing, we cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Use of our website is at your own risk.

Linking policy

We provide links to other websites when we think you may be interested in what they offer. We do not necessarily endorse those websites or their content, and we have no control over the conduct of the companies or organisations operating those websites.

Changes to the website

We may change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the website at any time, including any service or content offered by or through this website.

About our job information

Pay data

We provide pay information as a guide for people thinking about entering or training for a job. It is an estimate only.

Our pay information should not be used by employers or contractors to set pay rates or to use in pay negotiations or visa applications.

Pay decisions depend on skills, experience, qualifications and what employers can pay.

Sources we use include:

  • Statistics New Zealand’s population Census data
  • Statistics New Zealand’s Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) database
  • Inland Revenue data.

All data from these sources is anonymous.

Sources may also include:

  • collective employment agreements from different employers
  • minimum wage rates
  • surveys carried out within occupations or by recruitment firms
  • job ads
  • employers, training providers and industry organisations. 
Stats NZ disclaimer content includes information sourced from Stats NZ in accordance with the Data and Statistics Act 2022 and used under the CC BY 4.0 license. All or some of the information has been modified. TEC takes full responsibility for this content. Stats NZ will not be held accountable for any error or inaccurate findings within the content.

CC BY 4.0 license

Census data

This website includes Census data. Access to that data was provided by Stats NZ under conditions designed to give effect to the security and confidentiality provisions of the Data and Statistics Act 2022. The content of this website is the work of the TEC, not Stats NZ or individual data suppliers.

Integrated Data Infrastructure

This website includes Stats NZ data from the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI). That data is not official statistics. The data has been created for research purposes from IDI which is carefully managed by Stats NZ.

Inland Revenue tax data

Some of the content on this website is based in part on tax data supplied by Inland Revenue to Stats NZ under the Tax Administration Act 1994 for statistical purposes. Any discussion of data limitations or weaknesses is in the context of using the IDI for statistical purposes and is not related to the data’s ability to support Inland Revenue’s core operational requirements.

Job opportunities information

The job opportunities gauge shows our estimate of the demand for staff in a particular occupation, as at the last updated date (indicated by the information in the job opportunities sources section).

We consider:

  • whether job numbers are growing or shrinking
  • how much staff turnover there is in an occupation
  • whether the occupation is on a skills shortage list
  • how the supply of graduates or trainees compares with the demand for workers
  • our research, including interviews with people involved with training, industry bodies and employers.

Although we make every effort to ensure all material on our website is reliable and accurate at the time of publishing, we cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Use of our website is at your own risk.

Information from external data feeds

Some data appearing on this website comes via direct feeds from various external agencies. We bear no responsibility for the accuracy of this information.

This data includes:

  • course information from New Zealand Qualifications Authority and Tertiary Education Commission
  • graduate earnings information from the Tertiary Education Commission
  • scholarships information from Generosity New Zealand. 


We value your comments and opinions. If you have comments, questions or complaints about any of our services or website policies please contact us.

Updated 16 Jul 2024