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Showing 101-110/2626 results for Human Resource Management.

Course search results

Course search results

Bachelor of International Tourism and Hospitality Management

Study field
Qualification type
Bachelor Degree Level 7
Provider has multiple locations

New Zealand Certificate in Public Health and Health Promotion (Level 5)

Study field
Public Health
Qualification type
Certificate Level 5
Providers in multiple locations

Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Management (Level 8)

Study field
Business and Management not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Postgraduate Diploma Level 8
Provider has multiple locations

Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Management

Study field
Business Management
Qualification type
Postgraduate Certificate Level 8
Provider has multiple locations

Bachelor of Management Studies/​ Bachelor of Social Sciences (Conjoint)

Study field
Management and Commerce not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Bachelor Degree Level 7

Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of International Hospitality Management (Conjoint)

Study field
Business and Management not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Bachelor Degree Level 7

Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Management

Study field
General Education Programmes not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Postgraduate Diploma Level 8
Provider has multiple locations

Master of Applied Management

Study field
General Education Programmes not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Masters Degree Level 9
Provider has multiple locations