Graduate Diploma in Visual Arts

Otago Polytechnic

Subject area

Fine Arts


32 Weeks

Total student fees


over 32 Weeks - details

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About the course

What can I expect out of this qualification?

The Graduate Diploma in Visual Arts programme provides a learning environment in which through the practice of art and supporting research and scholarship students become independent creative makers, thinkers and active agents in a local, national and global context. The programmes provide both directed and independent learning in an intensive studio situation supported by Studio Methodologies, Art History and Theory, and Professional Practice.

Graduates will have technical, academic and personal skills that will enable them to pursue careers as independent artists and researchers within the realm of the creative industries, have transferable skills that enable to them to work in areas further afield, and be prepared for a lifetime of further learning.

Key Information for Students

Entry Requirements

Minimum requirements

The Graduate Diploma in Visual Arts is open to graduates or to those who have been able to demonstrate equivalent practical, professional or educational experience of an appropriate kind. This may include bachelors degrees or other level 7 qualifications. Additional Entry Requirements Applicants are accepted on merit based on: An evaluation of a portfolio of art practice, and A short written submission and Academic record. Eligible applicants will be selected by a panel using a range of identified criteria. Interviews may be held where further information is required.

Detailed requirements

See provider website for more details about entry to this qualification.


32 Weeks

Tuition Fees

Annual Total qualification
Student fees
(what you pay)
$8,037 $8,037
Government tuition subsidy
(what the government pays)
$10,556 $10,556
Total $18,592 $18,592

StudyLink website – information about student loans

A Compulsory Student Services Fee may be charged, see your provider for details.

Student Success


National Graduate Outcomes

Outcomes for students who completed qualifications at the same level and in the same subject area, three years after completion:

Median earnings $50,000
Earnings range $28,000 - $68,000
In employment 44%
In further study N/A
On a benefit N/A

All KIS information is the most recent data available and relates to domestic students only.

Click here for more information about the Key Information for Students

Contact details

Main Campus Office

Free phone: 0800 762 786
Phone: (03) 477 3014
Fax: (03) 471 6870

Please contact the provider for details of where this qualification is offered.

Where does this information come from?

The Key Information for Students data is compiled by the Tertiary Education Commission based on information provided by tertiary education providers and the Ministry of Education. Remember to check the provider’s website for further details.

NZQA supplies all other information based on material from the provider.

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