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Graduate Diploma of Teaching (ECE): Te Poutama ki te Pakaritanga

Te Rito Maioha Early Childhood New Zealand Incorporated

Subject area

Teacher Education: Early Childhood (Pre-Service)

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Entry requirements

Entry to the programme is open to graduates with a bachelor's degree on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) consisting of at least 360 credits, graduates with a bachelor's degree with honours at Level 8 on the NZQF consisting of at least 480 credits or a master's degree at Level 9 on the NZQF consisting of 240 credits.
Holders of a Teacher Registration Board or Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand-approved Diploma of Teaching (Primary) may gain entry into the Graduate Diploma.
Overseas qualifications will need to be assessed as equivalent to a Level 7 qualification or above by NZQA.
Relevance of the entry qualification is determined by the Director Teaching and Learning Kaitohu Akoranga (DTL) at the time of selection.

About the course

What can I expect out of this qualification?

This intensive 150 credit one year GradDipTch(ECE) programme takes an integrated, comparative, cross-cultural approach with a specific emphasis on practice-based teaching.
Learning and development theories and content knowledge are integrated with pedagogy and developing respect for diversity and tolerance for others. Particular importance will be paid to indigenous rights and students will have opportunities to learn te reo me ona tikanga Māori throughout their studies. Each course enables students to explore the relationship between theory and practice in a blended learning environment, as well as in an ECE setting.
Finally, because the Te Whāriki approach is a metaphor for a woven (integrated) mat, the GradDipTch(ECE) will weave the principles, strands and goals into all courses. This is done theoretically and practically. Students will:
* learn about different age groups (infants, toddlers and young children)
* learn about different types of ECE settings (e.g. all day centres; home-based programmes parent cooperatives)
* develop their own philosophy of teaching based on research and comparative analysis of internationally recognised curricula and programmes.

What graduates earn

Graduates who studied Teacher Education at this level can earn:


Median earnings one year after study


Median earnings two years after study


Median earnings five years after study

Status one year after study

Employment rate two years after study


Employment rate two years after study

Data as at November 2022

Contact details

Main Campus Office

Phone: (04) 473 4672
Fax: (04) 473 7295

Please contact the provider for details of where this qualification is offered.


NZQA supplies course information based on material from the provider.

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