Bachelor of Applied Counselling
Manukau Institute of Technology
Subject area
Health Education, Promotion, Counselling
3 Years
Total student fees
over 3 Years - details
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About the course
What can I expect out of this qualification?
The aim of the Bachelor of Applied Counselling is to produce graduates who can work effectively as a beginning practioner in an area of specialist practice, for example with Maori, Pacific Islanders, or other ethnicities in their region, or in development, or social services whilst also developing skills and knowledge to work collaboratively across these fields. Graduates will be prepared for career opportunities and practice in a range of social and community services. The degree will also assist graduates to develop transferable skills essential for successful participation and leadership roles in the workplace.
Key Information for Students
Entry Requirements
Minimum requirements
This section states the minimum regulations for the programme. Additional regulations which exceed those below may be incorporated by an accredited organisation. 9.1 Admission 9.1.1 General All Applicants must provide two character references attesting the candidate's suitability for working as a counsellor. AND All applicants are required to declare whether they have been convicted of, or are being prosecuted for, a criminal offence. The Police Vetting Process will reveal all criminal convictions. Students will be advised of the following: Please be aware that if you are going to be working with children, in certain circumstances some specified offences are not permitted, pursuant to the Vulnerable Children Act 2014. We recommend that you fully disclose all convictions to MIT prior to enrolment, so that we can discuss the potential implications on your eligibility to participate fully in your course of studies, including the practicum and your likely eligibility/suitability for employment once you graduate. AND Applicants may be required to provide a health declaration that they are emotionally, mentally and physically capable of undertaking the demands of the counselling programme as required in the New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC) Code of Ethics (revised 2016) (see Further reports may be requested with the consent of the Applicant.Further reports may be requested with the consent of the Applicant. 9.1.2 Academic Applicants must meet the following criteria for admission into the programme: NCEA Level 3 NCEA University Entrance or equivalent Three subjects - at Level 3, made up of: 14 credits each, from the three approved subjects Literacy - 10 credits at Level 2 or above, made up of: 5 credits in reading 5 credits in writing Numeracy - 10 credits at Level 1 or above, made up of: achievement standards - specified achievement standards available through a range of subjects, o
Detailed requirements
See provider website for more details about entry to this qualification.
3 Years
Tuition Fees
Annual | Total qualification | |
Student fees
(what you pay)
$7,116 | $21,348 |
Government tuition subsidy
(what the government pays)
$9,183 | $27,550 |
Total | $16,299 | $48,898 |
StudyLink website – information about student loans
A Compulsory Student Services Fee may be charged, see your provider for details.
Student Success
National Graduate Outcomes
Outcomes for students who completed qualifications at the same level and in the same subject area, three years after completion:
Median earnings | N/A |
Earnings range | N/A |
In employment | N/A |
In further study | N/A |
On a benefit | N/A |
All KIS information is the most recent data available and relates to domestic students only.
Click here for more information about the Key Information for Students
Contact details
Main Campus Office
Free phone: 0800 22 62 62
Phone: (0800) 626252
Fax: (09) 968 8701
Where does this information come from?
The Key Information for Students data is compiled by the Tertiary Education Commission based on information provided by tertiary education providers and the Ministry of Education. Remember to check the provider’s website for further details.
NZQA supplies all other information based on material from the provider.
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